Five Important Benefits Of Physiotherapy

Five Important Benefits of Physiotherapy


John R Wright

The current lifestyle so many people lead is not conducive to optimum orthopedic health. The combination of too much time sitting down, a general lack of activity, and the natural aging process has led to physical imbalances that may need the help of a physiotherapist to correct. The benefits of physiotheraphy are many, but these five may be the most significant of all.

1) Improved Flexibility and Mobility

When it comes to the ability to function at a normal level, the saying \”Use it or lost it\” rings true. As people become more sedentary, flexibility and joint mobility are often the first abilities to diminish.

A good physiotherapist can identify any movement deficiencies and design a program to improve them. These programs may be a combination of stretching, movement drills and even some targeted strength training.

2) Improved Rest and Leisure Time


Nagging pain negatively effects all aspects of our lives. A sore shoulder or back, perhaps the two most injured body parts for those who work in an office setting, negatively impact sleep and other rest and leisure times. It is not until we sustain an injury that we realize how much our lives may be impacted by these pains.

Getting these issues resolved can help to return sleep and leisure time to one of restoration instead of stress and discomfort.

3) Improved Strength

Many people feel weak when their body is out of alignment and riddled with muscular imbalances. Restoring the body\’s proper alignment and achieving muscular balance can result in an immediate improvement in what is often referred to as usable strength.

Rather than having to compensate for imbalances, the body can transfer force in the way certain muscles are designed to do. When the body is out of alignment, stabilizer muscles and the larger prime movers may take on roles they are not designed to do.

4) Experience Less Pain

As we age, some aches and pains are to be expected. When the body is injured or develops imbalances of some sort, these aches and pains are amplified. This ties in with improving the quality of our sleep, rest and general leisure time.

Achieving proper balance and alignment takes undue pressure off of joints and nerves to help reduce pain and discomfort throughout the day.

5) Turn Back The Clock To Feel Younger

A good physiotherapy program can help to reverse past injuries and prevent future injuries as well. The renewed strength, flexibility and balance can help you to feel younger and improve performance.

It is not a miracle cure, but many people are losing athletic ability due to injuries and poor structural balance. Correcting these can help to rejuvenate even the recreational athlete\’s sporting prowess.

Physiotherapy Is In Greater Demand For A Reason

At some point, almost everyone will have at least a minor need for the services of a good physiotherapist. Some will ignore their pain and go on with their lives, while others will make the effort to resolve their ailments and improve their quality of life.

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